The Herald

Childhood mental health challenges

The mental health of your child is as important as his/her physical health

Chido Madzvamutse Mental Wellness

AS discussed in previous articles, mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which an individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a meaningful contribution to their community.

Mental health and well-being is an important aspect of health across the lifespan.

Right from the womb, in infancy, into childhood and eventually adulthood, it is critical to be aware of the issues that can influence our mental health.

Factors that influence mental health of children:

The experiences of childhood often lay the foundation for our physical and mental health later on in life. A positive, health promoting environment can lay the foundation for life long health.

Factors that influence mental health of children can be biological, family related and community related.

Biological factors influencing child mental health include:

Family factors influencing child mental health include:

Mental health of parents and caregivers inevitably affect how they love and care for, protect, train and discipline their children. It is essential for parents and caregivers to safeguard their own mental well-being for themselves and for their children.

Community factors influencing child mental health:

Could my child have a mental health problem?

Parents and caregivers need to be alert so as to notice any changes in development, mood or behaviour that may suggest that a child may be struggling with their mental health. This can help facilitate earlier interventions that can help a child overcome the challenges they are facing and continue to grow and thrive. Common challenges that may indicate that a child maybe struggling with their mental health include:

How can parents help promote mental health of their children?

  1. Develop and work on strengthening a closer relationship with your child and foster open and host communication with them and create an atmosphere of support and encouragement.

It is parents who determine the atmosphere in the home and it is important to reflect on what kind of environment you are currently creating for your children.

This will help you to know and understand their world and the unique challenges they are facing so that you can help when needed. This will also help you to be attuned to their mood and behaviour and help you notice if something may be affecting them

  1. Provide structure, routine and boundaries. As you form a stronger bond with your child also remember that a critical part of good parenting is balancing affection and discipline.

Children do not always know what is good for them and left alone many would eat ice cream for supper and bath once in two weeks.

A parent therefore needs to provide structure that is essential for mental well-being and also help train their child to internalise and form their own routines as they mature.

  1. Become more aware of your own mental well-being and how it may be affecting your child. As we become more aware of our own psychological challenges, we can also model how to manage difficult emotions and this is a critical life skill for all children to learn.

If you think that your child may be experiencing a mental health problem, please contact your nearest health care provider and get help.

l Association of Healthcare Funders of Zimbabwe (AHFoZ) article written by: Dr Chido Rwafa Madzvamutse, Consultant Psychiatrist.

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