Chamisa praises Govt efforts Mr Chamisa

Herald Reporter

MDC-Alliance leader Mr Nelson Chamisa has echoed President Mnangagwa’s call for unity in fighting Covid-19 and acknowledged Government efforts in managing the pandemic in the face of meagre resources.

In an online address dubbed, “Covid-19 address to the nation”, Mr Chamisa yesterday said Covid-19 requires everyone to set aside differences and unite in fighting the pandemic.

“Unity is key in the face of Covid-19. All of us must put aside political differences and work together bin the fight against Covid-19. It’s not the time to score political points but to work together. Those who like to trade insults and gradstanding, it’s not the time, our people are dying.”

In an address last week President Mnangagwa said Covid-19 knows no political affiliation, rallying the nation to come together as one.

Contrary t o some sentiments of his MDC-A supporters trying to use coronavirus to score political points, Mr Chamisa echoed the President’s call, saying his party will not play politics.

Mr Chamisa commended Government for the availability of rapid antigen tests, which are more affordable than PCR tests and are useful in detection. The MDC-A leader also singled out health services for special praise, in a rare glowing tribute to Government efforts aimed at tackling the pandemic.

“We appreciate the various initiatives by different stakeholders and Government. The response of the Ministry of Health (and Child Care) in particular and the Government in general, is noted and appreciated,” he said.

“Various initiatives have been instituted to ameliorate and improve the situation. In this regard, we salute our warriors; our nurses, our doctors, our healthcare workers, who have been standing and outstanding as a battalion of patriots as national zealots, for their courage and ingenuity throughout our country, and we remain in debt to them and to their families. We thank you, we appreciate you.

“To their families, we thank you, you have given us soldiers, you have given us patriots and compatriots. We also want to thank our environmental health professionals who are doing contact tracing. Our port health officers, lab scientists who are running the tests, general hands who are cleaning the wards and housing the Covid-19 patients among many other healthcare workers.”

Mr Chamisa also reserved special praise for the security services and the media.

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