Garikai Chengu
The essence of capitalism is to turn nature into commodities and commodities into capital. However, the world cannot continue to get richer as the earth becomes poorer.
Just as the only inevitability in life is death, the only inevitability about our capitalist way of life is the death of our planet.
Capitalism is malignant. Think about it. For most of human history, we have lived on the edge of starvation.

Nowadays, in our over-consumptive gluttony, we are starving the earth.
The global food system produces  more than enough for every man,  woman and child, yet capitalism’s  misdistribution of resources means  that countless people starve to death.

If you condense the earth’s history — about 4.54 billion years — to just one year, humans have been here for only about 23 minutes.
Capitalism as the dominant, global ideology, has existed for a matter of seconds. For over 130,000 years, mankind has lived harmoniously with the earth.

It is only in the last 500 years of capitalist ascendancy, which have caused the ongoing desecration of the earth.
The classic pattern of cancer mutation and spread can be seen through the ongoing destruction of the planet’s vital organs: water, soil, air and biodiversity. It is said that if all insects on earth were wiped out, humans would cease to exist within 25 years. If all humans vanished, all other life forms would once again thrive.

In many pre-capitalist societies and natural systems, resources and final products are interlinked. Organic matter circulates, being re-used constantly.

There are no garbage dumps of unusable matter in nature.
Mother nature provides many  renewable energy sources, such as  sunlight, water and wind.

But many of the world’s largest corporations  choose to ignore these resources,  because they depend heavily on burning fossil fuels for profit.

Such  destructive processes cannot continue  for long without destroying the host body.
Military weapons are among the  leading manufactured goods traded   globally.

So are cigarettes, junk food,  carcinogenic chemicals, greenhouse  gases and many other goods that are lethal for mankind.
The uncontrolled spread of global  capitalism not only threatens the  environment; it also threatens  another pillar of modern civilisation: democracy.

A major step in the diagnosis of  capitalism as a cancer is that in  all cancerous pathologies, a living organism’s immune system fails to recognise the tumour.

The media, universities, and governments do not recognise the destructive capitalist system’s malignant growth, but actively collaborate with it.

Governments in democratic systems are supposed to defend the environment from the excesses of capitalism.
The problem is that capitalism has infected democracy such that governments put the interests of profit before the environment.
Capitalist democracy inevitably leads to a dictatorship of capital.

While the US political system remains democratic in form because freedom of speech and association are preserved and elections are free; in essence, it is becoming a plutocracy.

After all, can a nation be credibly called a democracy if it requires a candidate to raise one billion dollars in campaign funds from corporations and Wall Street speculators?

During the 1800s, governments would hang speculators.
Nowadays, speculators take the form of Wall Street bankers who own governments. Wall Street regulates Congress, not the other way around.

In the early 1800s, Thomas Jefferson prophetically remarked, “the end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations”.
The rich finance the political candidates who protect their interests.

Money becomes speech, silencing the poor. Campaign contributions become votes; thus, the poor are politically marginalised.
A civilisation can be judged by how it treats its poorest members. Capitalism cuts public services that serve as immune systems to protect the poor, whilst increasing privatisation, which only benefits the rich. Private jets, private health care, private schools, private prisons, and private security.

Then we wonder why our elite politicians cut public services? Profit maximisation is the fundamental principle of capitalism.
Profit, however, is indifferent to human suffering. In fact, profit is committed at every stage of its growth to the direct multiplication of itself.

The similarities with a carcinogen are starkly evident.
With all that said, the poison serves as its antidote: all devouring capitalism will eventually devour itself.

However, capitalism will be the dominant system for years to come because it appeals to Man’s worst qualities. The only question is whether civilisation  can survive capitalism?

Garikai Chengu can be contacted at [email protected].

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