Baby kidnapper jailed
Ivan Zhakata
Herald Correspondent
A Chiredzi woman who kidnapped a 7-day-old baby has been sentenced to an effective three years in prison.
Prosperity Hobyani (35) was arraigned before the Chiredzi Magistrates’ Court on charges of kidnapping.
She pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced to four years imprisonment of which one year was suspended for five years.
Hobyani will serve three years effectively. The State alleged that on September 2, 2024 Hobyani met the complainant who was returning home after taking her 7-day-old baby for vaccination at Chiredzi General Hospital.
They walked together to Nyorenyore Business Centre where the complainant intended to find transport back home in Mkwasine.
Hobyani allegedly persuaded the complainant to buy her a drink from one of the shops and the complainant left her baby with the Hobyani.
When she returned Hobyani had vanished with the baby. The complainant reported the matter to the police and the baby was found 12 hours later at Hobyani’s home in Chipimbi leading to her arrest.