Average Zimbabwean living on $3 a day
The average Zimbabwean lived on $3,24 a day in September, according to the latest national datum lines from ZimStat. This is above the World Bank’s Bank updated international poverty line of $1,90 a day (old line was at $1,25).
Zimbabwe is classified as a low income country by the World Bank. According to the latest available data, 72 percent of the population lives below the poverty lines.
The figures show that the total consumption poverty line (TCPL) for Zimbabwe stood at $97,31 per person in Zimbabwe. This represents a decrease of 0,58 percent when compared to the August 2015 figure of $97,88.
The TCPL for an average five persons stood at $486,56, a decrease of 0,58 percent when compared to the August figure of $489,51.
The Food Poverty Line (FPL) for one person stood at $30,86 from $31,04. The FPL which is at $1,03 a day represents the minimum consumption expenditure necessary to ensure that each household member can (if all expenditures were devoted to food) consume a minimum food basket representing 2 100 calories.
The FPL for an average of five families stood at $154,32 a decrease of 0,6 percent from the August figure of $155,22.
Again no details included in the index are provided but the differences in costs between different parts of the country are shown.
Compared to $486,56, the average cost for the basic requirements for a family of five for the whole country, the figure for Harare is at $488,83, Bulawayo at $501,94, Manicaland at $438,30, Mash Central at $484,24, Mash East at $460,26, Mash West $466,98, Mat North $570,61, Mat South $548,55, Midlands $431,24 and Masvingo $492,22. – Wires.