The Herald

Another billionaire investor jets in

Mr Shashank Kumar

Blessings Chidakwa Herald Reporter

ANOTHER billionaire Mr Shashank Kumar, the co-founder and chief executive of DeHaat, has jetted in to explore business opportunities.

Mr Kumar touched down at Robert Gabriel International Airport at 2:35pm and was welcomed by Prevail Group chief executive Mr Paul Tungwarara and another investor already in the country, Mr Javaid Farooqui.

Mr Kumar expressed gratitude to be in the country as a guest of President Mnangagwa. He is also part of the Zimbabwe Global Investment vehicle.

“DeHaat is a proven technology and platform in India working with more than 1, 2million small and marginal farmers.
“We are helping them to get everything under one roof from which crop to grow, to how to grow. We have technology that helps them to maximize agricultural income and they can afford a better livelihood.

“So the purpose of the visit is to understand and evaluate opportunities in agriculture and related investment in Zimbabwe,” he said.

Mr Kumar said agriculture in India and Zimbabwe is very similar. Both countries have very similar challenges related to small marginal farmers, food security, cropping and nutrition.

The ZGI, delegation is being led by United Arab Emirates billionaire investor Mr Shaji Ul Mulk who arrived on Monday with other investors.