The Herald

Africom smartapp recharges airtime via phone camera

Africom has introduced a technology that makes it possible to recharge airtime via the phone camera. Scratching top up recharge cards and taking time to enter those tiny numbers in your phone is an inevitable boring daily exercise as many people struggle to recharge the first time and it’s a nightmare for those who are visually impaired. The new up reduces chances of distraction that comes with recharging a phone when driving or walking.

The process is simple, just buy your airtime, point the mobile phone camera at the codes and open up the smartapp and shoot. The platform is already up and running for phones with cameras running on android software

The Africom based app called the SmartApp, key amongst other functionalities allows you to top via your camera.

The technology is a simple equivalent to QR code readers that can identify scrambled data and decipher the hidden message which can then be used to top up one`s phone from the system,

SmartApp also has a number of exciting functionalities such as news from local, regional and international news sources and classifieds for users to utilise. SmartApp is available for all android users to download for free. From this short code

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