The Herald

A serious look at alcohol abuse

Dr Sacrifice Chirisa Mental Health Matters
Alcohol use disorder, which includes a level that is called alcoholism is a pattern of alcohol use that involves problems controlling your drinking, being preoccupied with alcohol, continuing to use alcohol even when it causes problems, having to drink more to get the same effect, or having withdrawal symptoms when you rapidly decrease or stop drinking.

Unhealthy alcohol use includes: Binge drinking: a pattern of drinking where a male consumes five or more drinks within two hours or a female drinks at least four drinks within two hours.

Binge drinking causes significant health and safety risks. A pattern of drinking alcohol that results in repeated significant distress and problems functioning in your daily life.

Alcohol use disorder can be mild, moderate or severe, based on the number of symptoms you experience. Signs and symptoms may include:

Alcohol use disorder can include periods of alcohol intoxication and symptoms of withdrawal.

Alcohol intoxication: occurs as the amount of alcohol in your blood stream increases. The higher the blood alcohol concentration is, the more impaired you become. Alcohol intoxication causes behaviour problems and mental changes. These may include inappropriate behaviour, unstable moods, impaired judgment, slurred speech, impaired attention or memory, and poor coordination. You can also have periods called “blackouts,” where you don’t remember events. Very high blood alcohol levels can lead to coma or even death.

Alcohol withdrawal: can occur when alcohol use has been heavy and prolonged and is then stopped or greatly reduced. It can occur within several hours to four or five days later. Symptoms include sweating, rapid heartbeat, hand tremors, problems sleeping, nausea and vomiting, hallucinations, restlessness and agitation, anxiety, and occasionally seizures.

Symptoms can be severe enough to impair your ability to function at work or in social situations. What is considered one standard drink? The Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines one standard drink as any one of these:

When to see a doctor and consider alcohol rehabilitation: If you drink too much alcohol, or it’s causing problems, or your family is concerned about your drinking.

Because denial is common, you may not feel like you have a problem with drinking. You might not recognise how much you drink or how many problems in your life are related to alcohol use.

Listen to relatives, friends or co-workers when they ask you to examine your drinking habits or to seek help.

Consider talking with someone who has had a drinking problem, but has stopped.

Next week we go deeper on alcohol use disorders