What you say, what you know affects your life Holy-Bible

Bishop B. Manjoro Dunamis
|Last week we spoke about the Blessing of the Lord which we saw as the difference maker in one’s life! Today we will also look at how much our words and knowledge can hinder or attract the blessing of God in our lives.

What you talk about, be it at home, work, school, travelling or alone matters. It determines what you attract in your life.

Words are powerful and attract things both good and bad. You shall have whatsoever you say. So is it also with what you know; what you know determines the course of your life. Your success; your tomorrow; your future lies in these two things what you say and what you know. I challenge you as you read on. What do you know and what do you speak everyday?

“And as they thus spoke, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit. And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? And why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me and see; for a spirit hath not flesh, and bones, as ye see me have. And when he had thus spoken, he showed them his hands and his feet. And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat? And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish and of an honeycomb, and he took it, and did eat before them,” Luke 24:36-44.

This is an exciting story from the Book of Luke after the resurrection of Christ. The enemy thought he had him pinned, crucified, killed, buried and done with once and for all! But on the third day, O hallelujah, the impossible happened. Jesus rose from the dead. Here is one powerful thing on Christ’s resurrection, not all saw him first. Among those that saw him first is Mary Magdalene, a great woman of faith who refused to go back home with the other disciples but kept wresting, where is my Jesus? He appeared to her, O glory!

Then we come to these two men from Emmaus, they were on their way and talking about Jesus and the resurrection stories that were circulating in Jerusalem. This kind of conversation attracted the Lord Himself for He hid his identity to them, appeared to them, and joined in the conversation as He walked with them. They continued on the subject and talked to him as though he was a stranger who knew nothing about what was going on. Here is the distinguishing factor, the two men were not just talking, no; they were talking about Jesus and about resurrection. And he appeared.

You see, be careful what you talk about wherever you are. Some will say “but it will just be talking bishop? Hama, kutaura kunodeedza zvinhu! (friend, talking attracts things). Don’t talk to your children and in your house about ghosts, witches, and watch snakes on TV and frightening things. You end up dreaming those things and having serious nightmares. What would have happened? Whilst you talked about those things you were attracting them. Why not talk about Elijah, Elisha, Esther, Jesus, angels, and all the wonderful things in God’s Word, and the testimonies of his goodness?

Even if it’s at work or with friends, be careful what you discuss. Don’t talk failure. Don’t talk about giving up and surrendering, No, no, no. when things get tough, the tough get going. We walk by faith and not by sight, 2 Corinthians 5:7. Don’t say to yourself, I don’t even know what tomorrow holds. You are a child of God, you make your tomorrow. Tomorrow doesn’t just happen or just come. No! When you are quiet and start thinking about tomorrow tell yourself my tomorrow will be better than my yesterday. I am where I am on my way to where I am supposed to be, O hallelujah! It’s not over until it’s over. Situations may have crucified you like they did to our Lord, but O you resurrected with Christ! It’s not over yet. Listen your day to rise up to climb up the ladder is now.

Don’t think there are other people who are going to come and do great things. No. You are the person. Don’t allow anyone who comes after you to just overtake you like you don’t exist. Inhangemutange! (It’s a race!) I challenge you if you are still where you were in 2010, shake yourself and say to yourself enough is enough. This is year of a double portion. Progress must fall on my hands, on my business, on my finances, on my whole house.

They said to Jesus are you the only one who doesn’t know what is going on in Jerusalem? Knowledge is power my friend but be careful what you know. What you know can kill you than what you don’t know. Refuse to know failure, fear, poverty, shame, misery and suffering! Don’t know too much about all the negative things and yet know nothing about the resurrected Christ. It’s a year to excel to higher dimensions. They talked to Jesus that Jesus had risen, O I like it. Women had gone and found him risen and these two men had actually invited him into their home. Friends hear me today, be careful how you handle visitors. Treat people well, because you may be hosting a delegation of angels unawares or the Lord Jesus himself (Hebrews 12:1)

Don’t say Ah, visitors, where do they sleep? My children used to sleep much in kitchen; dining and even office after their bedrooms would be used to accommodate visitors. It releases God’s blessing, O hallelujah! At the table Jesus prayed for the food. They wondered about the prayer. It was different.

You know Jesus’ prayers are different. Remember the prayer at Lazarus’ grave? Their eyes were opened and they realized it was Jesus. He then vanished. May heaven visit you today and may God give you the revelation not to miss the hour of your visitation. For with God all things are possible, Mark 10:27

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