Of cosmetic fitness, performance and health Victor Kunonga
Victor Kunonga

Victor Kunonga

Innocent Choga Fitness
Although fitness, health and sport are interrelated they are different. Someone can look fit but that does not mean he or she is exactly healthy. Participating in fitness activities and sporting activities can lead to good health though. Being healthy can also lead to improved performance in sport and fitness activities.

Fitness generally means the ability to go through daily chores, and since our daily chores are different this means fitness is relative and commenting that one is fit should always be followed by a qualification of what they are fit for.

Fitness can be classified in three categories; as health fitness, performance fitness and cosmetic fitness. Health fitness is the ultimate type of fitness that most people seek.

It is important for the prevention of disease and other illnesses and plays an important part in the rehabilitation of individuals.

Health fitness involves all organs and systems of the body in particular the cardiovascular system. Health fitness can be attained through total fitness training programmes involving both aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

There are certain conditions that can occur due to genetics and there may be some conditions that we may not even be aware that they exist, therefore health fitness can only be ascertained by medical practitioners.

Since time immemorial sudden deaths of people who were thought to be very healthy have occurred during sporting and exercise events. The first recorded case in 490 BC was that of a Greek soldier, Pheidippides, who was a professional runner and messenger and is reported to have died after running 42,2 kilometres to inform his king that they had won the battle of Marathon against the Persians. This is supposed to be the origins of marathon race and is commemorated annually by the Classic Athens Marathon.

Performance fitness usually required for sporting activities is also relative. Generally, performance fitness requirements revolve around a functionally related specific activity which may require endurance, strength, power, agility, flexibility, co-ordination, speed, balance, or any other such components.

A soccer player strives to be fit to play their role be it as a striker, midfielder, defender or goal-keeper. Even though these players play the same sport at the same time the roles they play require the use of different percentages of type of muscles and energy. This also applies to the rugby backs and forwards.

A power lifter needs strength to lift and the skill to lift in a certain way that enables them to lift very heavy weights. The weightlifter also needs explosive power, and technique to lift. To these sports persons the six packs are not necessary, in fact a big stomach can assist in lifting whereas the body-builder needs a six pack to fit in the ranks of body-building.

A marathon runner needs endurance more than any other form of energy. In the same sense an entrepreneur should be worried about being fit to work long hours, being fit to withstand the rigours of travelling, etc. A messenger should be fit to run around and have the muscular endurance to stand in queues.

Cosmetic fitness relates to the outward appearance of an individual. It can come as a result or by product of the quest for health fitness or as something specifically sought for its own value. Cosmetic fitness has been there for centuries.

The issue is that now it is being used in so many ways by so many people in different ways; the actors, musicians, orators including motivational speakers, salespeople and even sportspersons, the list is endless. It is a psychological thing and sometimes we do not see it openly.

Gymnastics is the basis of all sports and cosmetic fitness is part of gymnastics.

Gymnastics can be used as a foundation for the preparation for future sports in children. Gymnastics date way back from ancient Greece. Cosmetic fitness has its positive role in the general live of people as well as in health fitness.

Orators and musicians use cosmetic fitness to improve their stage presence. A well built physique can help motivational speakers and other orators project a good stage presence when giving speeches, this can aid the effect of their speech.

Exaggerated sporting movements like the follow through and other signature movements that athletes flaunt rely on cosmetic fitness. Usain Bolt’s trademark victory sign and Christiano Ronaldo’s six pack, their body shapes and fine lines are very impressive to the young ones and encourage the young to emulate them. Serena Williams flaunts her appearance and photographers cannot get enough of her. Just as they do with slim Angelina Jolie who is also very much admired for her appearance. Angela Basset whose looks defy her 58 years, Halle Belle and Beyonce Knowles fall in between those two extremes and these women all workout and use their cosmetic fitness for their benefit.

Cosmetic fitness can be used to solve a problem. For example a person with narrow shoulders can work out their front deltoids, side deltoids and rear deltoids, putting special emphasis on the side deltoid. This will develop round shoulder caps that the jacket can sit perfectly on to give a nice square look.

Cosmetic fitness can play an important part in the non-verbal communication. It will make one feel comfortable, increase self-confidence. Salespersons can make a positive impression on clients. Generally people are impressed by people who take care of themselves and that can work positively for say insurance salespersons. The assumption being if they can take care of themselves then they can take care of clients’ investment portfolios. And there is probability that they will live long enough to solve future problems. It is all a psychological thing.

Bruce Lee is another actor who relied heavily on cosmetic fitness, his physique was very much defined and he had these movements which showed off his amazing muscularity. Bruce Lee motivated a lot of youngsters in the seventies.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone also relied on cosmetic fitness. Former James Bond actor Sean Connery was actually once a competitive body builder, coming third in the 1953 Mr Universe and his physique won him a lot of roles during his career.

Our own musician Victor Kunonga was once a Mr Bulawayo.

Victor Kunonga is still a staunch fitness fanatic; he is a regular at the gym. He does not flaunt his physique but still you cannot miss it. The unique image that he portrays with his trade mark hat and the guitar strapped around his broad shoulders is that of a man who is at ease whilst strumming that guitar effortlessly.

Victor says he is now training for health fitness and he benefits a lot from his workouts. He says the workouts help him exude a lot of confidence and energy which he feels on stage thus he enjoys his work more because of the positive feelings.

Victor mainly does anaerobic work at the gym, that is he does his weight training only and he does his aerobic workouts at home with his two children, his son Piwai (11) and daughter Yanai (8).

Victor says he knows the importance of teaching his children how to exercise early in their lives, and he plans to introduce them to gym work when they reach the appropriate ages, that is, if they are keen.

 Email: [email protected]. Innocent Choga is a six time National Body-building Champion with international experience. Currently he’s studying for a science degree in Physical Education and Sport.

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