Finding your purpose: Part 1 Prophet Makandiwa
Prophet Makandiwa

Prophet Makandiwa

“Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.” (Jeremiah 1:4-6).

If you are that person who has tried several jobs and nothing seems to be working out for you, you will find this teaching so relevant because I know you are wondering what exactly your assignment is. Finding your purpose is one of the most difficult things in life except you get help from the Holy Spirit. It is not an easy thing for one to realise the purpose to which he was born.

God knew exactly what He was doing when He formed you, He was not informed later about you after you were formed. God knew you even before you were formed in your mother’s womb. Every detail about you was already known by God before He even created you. Even before you came out of your mother God had already sanctified you and ordained you for your assignment.

You have to understand that God is not in the business of creating something which is useless, He does not have time to waste. God does not just do things for pleasure, He looks at the reason before creating anything.

God in the scripture we read is telling Jeremiah that before he was formed He had all the details of Jeremiah’s life. You were designed specifically for a certain assignment that only you can perform. God formed you knowing exactly the nature of the person He was forming and the environment in which you were going to grow.

God designed you in a way that even people that are going to benefit from your calling are going to realise that you did not just make up your assignment; your gift was given to you by God.

Man before being formed he was known by God and before he even came out of his mother’s womb he had already gone through the process of sanctification before he was born. He was ordained and he was already qualified for his assignment before he was even born.

God is such an organised God who knows exactly what He is doing. There is nothing that can surprise Him, He sees everything from where He is before anything can even take place.

Your coming to this planet was a well-planned thing, God designed you in a special way. In a way He knew that anything that might come after you does not have that ability to bring you down. You were designed specifically for an environment like Zimbabwe.

Any other person created by God to suit a certain environment which is not our environment, if he is to be brought into this environment he cannot spend even two days. This environment is meant for people like you, God knew what He was doing when He created you.

There are so many little things that have killed other people but you have fought against serious demons and yet up to now you are still alive and able to praise God. It is because when God was designing you He knew the kinds of demons you were going to face.

You are not an accident, you were designed for such an environment you are in. You were designed for the rough terrain, for the most difficult situations. Whatever you are going through can never kill you, you are definitely going to kill it.

God knew that He was creating a person able to impact and transform the entire nation. That ability was given to man, not after attaining some degrees and diplomas somewhere else but before he was formed. Before anyone could even train him, man was already chosen and sanctified by God.

To really know your purpose of existence in life is very difficult. You can do this and that in life but it is difficult to really know what you were born to do, it is not easy. This is why you really need to pray and talk to the Holy Spirit about your life.

Finding your assignment is a task, you have to do a serious research otherwise you can spend the rest of your life doing something that you were never designed by God to do. There are people pursuing certain purposes because they saw some people doing those things and they emulated and admired them then they decided to do the same.

Realising money after doing something is not a confirmation that you are in the right track. It is not a sign that you have done what you are supposed to do, it is not all about money. Money is just an instrument of reward, you can be rewarded for doing something right like offering a service and money can be given to you.

The fact that you have realised money out of it does not mean that you were born to do it. It is not money that interprets or justifies what you have done. You can sell cocaine and other drugs and get money after selling but that does not mean God assigned you to be selling cocaine in life. Look at how many people that are going to be killed by the product.

It is not all about you getting money at the end of the practice. For you to really know that you have found your purpose look at the amount of peace that you experience. Do you feel peace? Do you feel that sense of fulfilment? Are you satisfied after doing what you are doing? What you get as a reward is not always money, something can be given to you which is not even money.

There are two things that are very important in your life. The first thing is to realise the need of the Messiah in your life. When you receive Jesus Christ in your life, your encounter with the Creator becomes your turning point.

When you meet the Lord Jesus and you receive Him that is the most defining moment of your life. You have to discover that within your system there is an inability to pursue anything and have it except you receive Jesus. When you receive the Lordship of Jesus and He becomes your Master that is the first and most important thing.


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