Trymore Nyamapfeni
Sometimes it is very hard to believe other people’s journey to a successful life, yet it is what it is.

This is because people view things differently especially when they compare someone’s present to his/her past as they try to join the pieces together and then answer the “how” part of their questions. However, as much as we may want to convince ourselves that it is not true, it is true lives do change for the best .

To begin with, let me tell you that you can become anything you have dreamt of as long as you are focused on the main objective which is becoming whoever you want to be.

In Zimbabwe we are privileged to be able to go to school and acquire knowledge and become educated no matter how old one is as long as you are able to do so .

The most important thing to do is to stop blaming the past and act towards your goal now. The past is past and you can never change it.

It is to your own advantage if you stop focusing on what you cannot change for it is time wasted over spilt milk. Spend more time on the things that you have power to change which is the present and the future.

In our societies there are individuals who matured an unethical habit of blaming their parents or guardians for the life they currently have.

Blaming people for our bad situations is not a solution to our problems, you need to spend more time thinking positively about how, why, when, with who, with what, are you going to succeed in making your dream a living testimony.

People do have some life experiences that haunt them over and over again.

For example those who were raped earlier on in their lives, these are damages that happen in our lives that we can never forget but they should give us power to soldier on and do great things in our lives.

It is true that it happened but what’s done is done and we cannot change it but rather make the best use of the situation.

Therefore the most important thing today is that you are still alive and you are very able to do for yourself and make a mark for you and those you represent. There are several negative factors that arise due to staying in the past and some of those factors include the following :

Stress to you

You cannot think about your future. There will be no room for a positive mind in you

You become stuck to the past

Your body becomes weak and unhealthy

All things become negative to you

It becomes hard to socialise ,thus you will have a dead life

No matter how good something can be you become hard to convince, cannot smile and appreciate yet it is good for your health

Furthermore, leave your past for the past and stop the blame game so as to move on with life. Parents are the first gift every chilled received from God and there is no other gift that will ever outweigh your parents, be grateful to God if you still have them because some people do not even know how their mother or father looked like.

However, if you want God to give you heavenly blessings simply show unconditional love to your mother and father no matter how bad they seem to appear, so stop putting the blame on your parents!

Do not stay in the past because there is nothing that good that comes out of it, rather the bad stuff and unnecessary memories. There is a saying that says, “bury the past if not you will automatically bury your future”. This also comes with forgiveness if you cannot forgive then you are staying in the past. Let the past go and become a friend to present and the future, by so doing you will enjoy a successful life.

Do not dwell in the past events it doesn’t matter, it is the foundation of who we are but it’s time to build the walls of your destiny for they are more important in your life than anything else. Beware of the time factor and utilise time accordingly for time is what determines success and failure.

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